Follow These Tips When Creating Holiday Newsletters

Layout and Design
Keep it Simple
You want your email blast to be visually appealing and easy to read. Use a few relevant, quality photographs to keep your readers’ interest. Maintain your brand by using your logo and colors in the header and footer. Feel free to make the subject line interesting by adding a reference to holiday specials.
Be Seasonal
Add in some flair for your holiday newsletter, whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving, winter holidays, New Years etc. You can add seasonal decoration in colors, fonts, or images. Try not to make it tacky like your neighbor’s Christmas light show and add just enough holiday cheer to set the mood. For example, choose one decorative font for a header and one seasonal photo instead of making the entire font hard-to-read script or adding reindeer and turkeys all over.
Be Short
Remember, many of your readers will be reading email by phone. Keep your newsletter short so they don’t have to scroll forever to find content, your call to action, or contact information.
Make it Relevant
You will lose readers very fast if you include content that is fluff. Relevant content may include the latest equipment and procedures for your practice and upcoming events. Leave out birthdays, pictures of pets, travel and other personal news.
Tailor it to Your Patients
Carefully choose specials based on seasonality that can give value to patients. Write your content with suggestions for why your readers could use your special so by the time they get to your call-to-action, they are already on board. For example you can advertise smaller treatments and procedures for tired hosts, upkeep for holiday parties and the new year, or even gifts. Be specific about the special and include all the details like total costs and deadlines.
Calls to Action
Always include a call to action in your emails. Ask your readers to call today, reserve a spot, make an appointment etc. in order to purchase your special or latest treatment.
Make it easy to carry out the call to action. Place it at the top of your email so your readers can see it, instead of burying it under content.
In general, if you respect your readers’ time by sending them relevant periodic emails, you can build a loyal reader base. Remember to choose your holidays wisely, don’t take advantage of every holiday to send an email blast or else your unsubscribe rate will be higher than your click through rate.
For tips on sending your holiday newsletter, contact our team.