6 Tips for Facebook Success
You’ve listened to the Facebook enthusiasts and finally joined the masses. Now that you’re there, what’s next? While there certainly is not one end-all-be-all formula for success, we have put together a few pointers to help maximize your brand’s potential.
- Find your Fans! – Without fans, status postings won’t be heard. Consider sending an e-blast to your existing patients requesting they become a Fan of the practice.
- Create a Dynamic Page – Facebook offers the ability to add video, events, and even links to newsletters – all of which can be shared among users. The more you post, the more likely your Fans will share information with friends.
- Keep Postings Relevant – By posting the latest research information about a new procedure or expert beauty tips, you are positioning yourself as valuable resource. Again, think information sharing; postings that capture the interest of your Fans have greater chance of being passed along to their friends.
- Keep Your Page Current – A big misconception we often hear is that of Facebook being too time consuming. The reality is that posting a status update, a new link, or photo is just as easy (if not more so) than checking your email. Take the 5 minutes once or twice a week to keep your page fresh.
- Interact with Fans – Start a dialogue with your Fan base. Pose a question and watch the conversation unfold. You’ll gain valuable insight about what your patients are thinking and what they want to know more about.
- Special Offers – Rather than relying on your clients to come to your website to find out about specials, why not make it easy and go to where they are. Posting your latest promotions and specials on your Facebook page is a great way to utilize the platform.