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TikTok Marketing for Dental Practices

As the third most frequently used social media platform in the world (trailing just behind Facebook and Instagram) and the number one app for members of Gen Z, TikTok is no longer just a place to watch funny dance challenges. Believe it or not, the short-form media giant is now an ideal space for businesses to create viral marketing campaigns with more reach than emails, flyers, or even highway billboards. With TikTok’s one-of-a-kind business model — which uniquely presents your content to followers and non-followers alike — TikTok has the power to elevate social media marketing for dentists and improve SEO when leveraged correctly. Below, we highlight some of the most effective ways dentists and dental practices can use the app to achieve their marketing goals. 

Why Invest in TikTok Marketing?

TikTok is the leading platform for creating and sharing short-form videos. As one of the most populated digital spaces for younger patients, its top users are usually between the ages of 17 to 35 and TikTok posts, which have an average video length of 10 to 60 seconds, are perfectly primed for videos to “go viral.” On top of the possible virality of a business’ TikTok videos, posting on the app creates a new avenue for dental practices to show the human side of their office. The goal is to set your office apart by conveying your dental services in a way that’s fun, engaging, and relatable. When executed correctly, this makes your practice more approachable to younger patients — who often struggle with dental anxiety and fear of the dentist — while presenting your office in a less intimidating and clinical light. 

Ideas for Captivating Content

Generally speaking, the key to successfully promoting a dental business via TikTok is creating content that’s both entertaining and educational. Videos should target your geographic location, while still being relatable to a far-reaching audience. Striking this balance can be done in a few different ways:

Tips for Mastering TikTok

Unlike social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok users are typically very young and 90 percent of those who have a TikTok account use it daily. While carefully curating the right type of content for your practice is vital, the following pointers can help even TikTok newbies maximize the app to its full potential: 

  1. Spend time on the app and engage: This may seem like a no brainer, but spending time on TikTok is essential to truly understanding what type of content is successful on the app. Plus, TikTok tends to reward accounts that spend time engaging on the app, and is more likely to show your videos to a larger audience.
  2. Don’t go overboard on hashtags: Use hashtags strategically and create content to capitalize on different trending topics, such as holidays, popular events, commonly discussed topics, and dental hygiene tips. Don’t go overboard with adding hashtags indiscriminately though, as this can hurt your video’s performance. 
  3. Stay up-to-date with DMs: Prioritize answering the questions in your message inbox in a timely manner to show TikTok users you’re invested in their dental goals and to make potential patients more comfortable visiting your practice for a consultation. 
  4. Use trending audio: Taking advantage of trending audio is essential to making the most out of TikTok’s marketing tools. These soundbites are usually widely shared across the entire platform, and adding your own content to trending audio clips is one of the most effective ways to further proliferate your content. This can be crucial to garnering widespread engagement.  

Ready to Dive In?

At Rosemont Media, our creative specialists understand that embracing a new social media platform can be a little intimidating. Consult with our team of knowledgeable social media marketers to learn the ins and outs of TikTok — one of the best social media platforms for dentists — and discover how you can leverage the app to grow your patient base. Contact us today!

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