A 2017 Valentine’s Day Poem from Rosemont Media

Roses are red;
Violets are blue.
Have you updated your content
Since your site was brand new?
“Why should I?” you ask.
“It’s been good from day one.
The content’s original,
And it gets the job done.”
Though your content is unique—
Which is certainly worth praise—
Originality alone
Will not win Google’s gaze.
What you need is substance,
More depth and more direction.
To barely scratch the surface
Is content imperfection.
Your website is a resource,
For patients new and old,
So don’t be afraid to fill each page
With intellectual gold.
Answer common treatment questions.
Highlight your preferred technique.
Put yourself in a patient’s shoes
To give visitors what they seek.
When your content is extensive,
When it’s fresh and also fruitful,
Google’s bound to take notice
And offer its full approval.
If you’re ready to take action,
RM can help you on this mission.
As part of our SEO services,
We offer custom content addition.
We’ll work to expand your pages
While capturing the tone you desire,
All with the intent of benefiting patients,
While watching your rankings grow higher.
To learn more about content marketing,
Please shoot an email our way,
And, oh yeah, to you and yours,
Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Rosemont Media