From Our Table to Yours: Happy Thanksgiving 2022

As the refreshing chill of Autumn fills the air and the inescapable scent of pumpkin spice descends on, well, every product in existence, it can mean only one thing: Thanksgiving has arrived! Here at Rosemont Media, we have much to be thankful for in 2022: namely, our wonderful clients and stellar staff. In addition, as part of an RM tradition, we asked our team members to share what they were feeling grateful for this year.
So, with a wealth of gratitude in our hearts—and an abundance of turkey, stuffing, and pie in our bellies—the RM family would like to share some notes of thanks for 2022’s bountiful harvest, from our table to yours:
Keith: “We are thankful to celebrate Thanksgiving this year with our whole family; this will be our 1st Thanksgiving celebrating with everyone since COVID.”
Megan: “I’m thankful for my husband and two sweet kitty cats that make every day an adventure. Also very thankful for coffee, margaritas, sunshine, and banana laffy taffy. And as far as Thanksgiving traditions go… gotta rep that Pineapple Pizazz.”
Alicia: “I am thankful for being able to live closer to my family and childhood friends this year. Shout out to my husband for agreeing to bid farewell to California and start a new adventure on the east coast. Luckily there is some decent (cold) surf, at times, on this side of the land!”
John F.: “In the year of our lord November 2022, I’m thankful for the following: My recently renewed relationship with HBO, Mike McDaniel’s ingenious coaching & leadership for the Miami Dolphins, Jim ‘Monty’ Montgomery & his incredible start with the B’s, self checkout everywhere, my daily uniform of sweatpants/sweatshirt, my 2 best buddy friends Icy & Lil Snoop Dogg, thermo insulated drinking containers…thanks for maximizing my ice cube budget, window screens without holes in them, my Solo Stove, Chamorro Grill for being the best Hawaiian food around me, The Grove in La Mesa for keeping me calm, Crumbl Cookies for making me a confectionary crackhead, a superfluous supply of leftover Halloween candy, & hockey sticks as rattlesnake eradication tools… and my wife, for tolerating it all.”
Karishma: “I am thankful for my family, friends, and for my health. As I get older, I realize that these are the things that matter most. I can’t wait to celebrate the holiday with those I love most (and some delicious food of course!).”
Holly: “I am thankful for my family, friends, and coworkers!”
Joel: “I give thanks to my wife for being so dedicated to our daughter’s growth educationally and emotionally, and for encouraging her to explore arts + music. I am also thankful for the various forms of connectivity that have helped us to stay in touch with friends and family during these last few years while we try to figure out ‘getting back to normal.’”
Renny: “I am thankful for new opportunities to learn and grow, the human body’s amazing ability to heal, and the beautiful place that I get to live!”
Cassie: “I am thankful for my husband, dogs, family, and friends, of course… but I am also grateful for things like coffee, dark chocolate, therapy, and Muay Thai because they keep me sane. This year, I am also thankful to be moving into a bigger house, even though it means I’ll be incredibly broke for a while haha”
Reiko: “This year, I am thankful for:
- A healthy and happy family.
- An amazing circle of friends.
- My mental and physical health—shoutout SoulCycle!”
Rebecca: “I’m beyond thankful for the health, safety, love, and happiness of my family. Each hug from my two daughters, every doggie kiss from my pug and schnoodle, and all of the inside jokes with my husband about how crazy they all are, is a reminder of true joy in the world and I’m so thankful for that. I’m also very appreciative of joining the amazing Rosemont Media team and for all of the kindness and positivity that makes this company so special. On a more personal note, I’m thankful for the guilty pleasure of Bravo channel’s reality shows and getting to see many of the elective cosmetic procedures we write about demonstrated by those lively characters. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving to all!”
Sabrina: “A few of the many things I’m grateful for:
Family & friends, being fortunate enough to live and work with good people in sunny San Diego, not having to worry about where my next meal is coming from & having the means to help out a friend in need, nature in general and her ability to keep persevering, and time spent with the husband and our slightly neurotic dog.”
Natalie: “I’m very thankful for my wife, family, friends, and my dogs: Jax, Milo, and Otis. I’m so thankful to have a wonderful job. And of course, I’m also thankful that Criminal Minds is coming back!”
Chris: “Personally, I have SO much to be grateful for, and I’m pumped for turkey, mashed potatoes, and to smile/laugh with family and friends. Also extremely thankful for the dedication and hard work put in by the RM team. Stay positive, stay grateful!”
Katie: “While I’m grateful for many things this year, welcoming our daughter was by far the biggest highlight of 2022. I’m looking forward to experiencing the holidays through her curious eyes.”
Carlos: “I am thankful for my health and life. Thankful to call San Diego my home. I am also thankful for the health of my family, friends, & team. I am also thankful for everyone’s happiness & successes.”
Erin: “I’ve been so thankful for the people in my life, health, flexibility, growth, peace, and experiencing the variety of lovely things in this world!”
Marissa: “I am thankful for the health and happiness of my family, who represent a constant source of joy and support in my life. I am also grateful for—and sometimes exasperated by—my gigantic tuxedo cat, Catbert Catsanova, who is absolutely dedicated to ensuring he makes an appearance on every single video call I take. Additional shoutout to Trader Joe’s and their large selection of frozen appetizers, which I can and will eat by myself in a single sitting”
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us here at Rosemont Media! However you may be celebrating, we hope everyone has a safe, fun, and delicious holiday.