Our New Year’s Resolutions for 2015

Looking forward into the new year, many of us make resolutions to better ourselves. When thinking about what 2015 can bring for us, our CEO, Keith Humes, had some words of wisdom to share with RM employees:
“As we close out the year and head into the final phase of the holiday season, it’s time to look back at our successes and our failures. As most do not like to analyze their shortcomings or missteps, these are things we must do to grow as a person. While successes are easy to remember and to praise, failures are a great learning opportunity and should not be buried in our minds. If we look back at history, many mistakes have led to great inventions. If we are not making mistakes along the way, then we are not trying hard enough. If a task is too comfortable, then we are not pushing ourselves. It’s the difficult tasks that stimulate growth; that uncomfortable feeling we get when doing something new or challenging is good for the soul. I challenge everyone to look back at their failures of 2014 and grow into 2015 smarter and wiser. Happy Holidays to all, and to a prosperous 2015!”
Keith also shared his personal resolution for the new year: “Work Smart, Play Hard, Enjoy Family Time & Take it all in, in 2015!”
Our employees had some interesting goals, as well. Take a look at what we’re hoping to achieve in 2015:
“Complete a sprint triathlon and a 10K race!” —Sara
“Say ‘yes’ more often!” —Kate
“Spend more time with the fam and surf more.” —Chris
- “Break 80 for 18 holes & finally register that elusive hole-in-one.
- Find more pocket change on the streets of San Diego.
- Beat the computer in chess on difficult mode.
- Perfect the art of Vitamix’ing.
- Install a fireplace in my condo.
- See my east coast fam & friends in-person.” —John F.
“Teach my cat Rufus to use the toilet like a real boy. I’ll save teaching him to flush for 2016.” —Ashley
“In 2015, I want to take up the delicate art of soap making, learn Mandarin, and become the national yo-yo champion.” —Teresa
“Hike many mountains and make really really amazing web apps!” —Maile
“My goal is to spend the first few weekends of 2015 binge-watching ‘Mad Men’ on Netflix, so I can finally watch Season 7. After I’m done with my love/hate relationship with Don Draper, I must spend the rest of 2015 in the gym to burn off all the calories from the copious amounts of junk food I’ll likely consume during those first few weekends on the couch. Yeah I know, I really set the bar high for the rest of you. But hey, at least my 2015 goals are attainable… Well, not sure about the gym part. Maybe I’ll save that for 2016.” —May
Happy New Year from Rosemont Media!
Don’t forget – our office will be closing at 2pm PST tomorrow (Wednesday, December 31st), and will remain closed on January 1st and 2nd. We will return to our regular office hours on Monday, January 5th (opening at 7:30am PST). We hope you are able to enjoy ringing in the new year with family and friends! See you in 2015!