‘Twas the Day Before Christmas at Rosemont Media

‘Twas the day before Christmas, when all through our workplace,
not a noise could be heard—not even a trace.
At home we all stayed, to enjoy a quick rest
and spend time among those with whom we are blessed.
But a respite from work, won’t keep our custom at bay;
it’s my duty—and honor—to give the year a replay.
So grab something to sip, whatever you desire,
and let’s take a look back on the SEO year prior.
We all know content is king, or at least you should by now,
but not all realms flourish, under one fattened cow.
Diversify your tactics is what Google says to do,
and a comprehensive plan has proved tried and true.
When it comes to Google ranks, organic gets the hype,
but listen when I tell you, paid ads are awfully ripe.
To do things right, however, there is a game to play—
master keyword matches, and you’ll be on your way.
Perhaps you are aware, but just in case you’re not,
online social prominence is something to be sought.
Yes it sounds Millennial, but that, please disregard,
your practice needs Facebook—without it, growth is hard.
Here’s a question for you, and please do be sincere:
when last was your site refined (what exactly was the year)?
The sole purpose of this question is simply to ensure
that a lacking website doesn’t impact your allure.
There’s one last thing to mention, and it’s truly a big deal,
don’t try to hide reviews, no matter what they reveal.
Bad feedback just might happen, and, honestly, it’s okay—
there are resolution methods; review gating’s not the way.
At the end of the day, twenty-nineteen was a blast—
RM continued evolving, and new knowledge we amassed.
Our team hopes you and yours had a wonderful time too,
and we wish you all the best in the year anew!