Apple Maps Sneak Peek: Take the Tour Before the iPhone 5 Launch
As Apple prepares to launch the iOS6 software update, the entire RM Team is very excited about one feature in particular: Maps! I know what you’re thinking, how exciting can a Maps app really be? I felt the same way until Keith came over and showed me the app in action. I am extremely impressed and can’t wait to take a tour of the application myself.
Below you’ll find some of the exciting highlights from the Maps app, including screenshots showing the 3D satellite view and how your practice (with reviews) will display.
Apple Tells Google Maps to Take a Hike
For a few years now, Apple has been preparing to part ways with Google Maps by bringing the maps app in-house, or at the very least building a solution that is aligned with their philosophy (an expected move for all that ascribe to Apple’s brand of tools). As part of this venture, Apple has been acquiring mapping companies, most notably C3, which will power the immersive 3D mapping option.
The biggest change in the new application is something most users likely won’t recognize. With the update, Apple will say goodbye to Google Maps, and begin supporting iMaps with Tom Tom. To start, we hope this means better turn-by-turn navigation, as iMaps will bring Siri into the loop to audibly direct you along your path.
When searching for an exact location, the listing will appear as follows:
As you search iMaps for a business (or you simply want to check out your practice from outer space), here’s what the listing will look like. Notice that the listing pulls reviews from Yelp and provides the rating of your practice.
But what does this mean for your practice? First, online reputation management is a top priority. You must be aware of how your name and the name of your practice appears on the web. Second, on a related note, talk up your practice and encourage your happy patients to check out your listing in the new Maps app, maybe leave a review?
Cool Factor of 10
Have you ever wanted to see what the city of Beijing, China looks like? Or maybe check out Stonehenge? Been disappointed by the options available? I know I have, which is why I’m really excited about the dynamic 3D function of iMaps.
Check out this shot of New York City:
And then you can change the angle and get a better 3D perspective of the city:
While you can get real-time traffic and directions in a life-like landscape (cool on its own), you can pinch and zoom your way across the globe and take a 360 degree tour of any city, forest, or wonder of the world.
What do you think about the new iMap app?