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Mobile Marketing Mondays: Siri Will Revolutionize Mobile Search

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As if people weren’t already spending enough time on the mobile web, Steve Jobs just gave users a reason to spend more time saddled up to their iPhones. In a word, this new voice-activated genie in your iPhone is called Siri, and its main goal is to answer questions, satisfy demands, and keep you moving through life.

To give you an idea of the scope of this latest development, our CEO Keith Humes believes Siri will revolutionize the mobile internet, completely changing how we use it and how we advertise on it; however, more importantly, he believes Siri will change the way we navigate through our daily lives.

Put Siri to Work and Reach More New Patients

Imagine moving to a new town, a place that is completely foreign to you. Siri can certainly satisfy you’re immediate questions and needs: You’re hungry, where should you eat? You need a grocery store, how do you get there? The day becomes more productive with your own knowledgable, local sidekick.

But what about the more involved questions that require some experience, and have a greater impact on our routines than a meal here, or a shopping trip there: where should I have my car serviced? Where can I find a good doctor?

Without trusted sources such as friends and family in town to rely on, Siri becomes an invaluable resource that can help you find what you need the first time.

Because of the amount of information we have at our disposal by simply voicing our thoughts, Humes believes Siri will become engrained in our routine, an essential component of our daily habits.

Now imagine how your patients may use Siri: they need to book an appointment, find the physician a friend just recommended, or learn more about the procedure they are considering. Instead of waiting until they get home to search for answers to these questions, they can simply ask Siri and reach those answers immediately.

Questions Remain: How Can Siri Be Put to Good Use?

We’ve all likely heard the stats, humans have anywhere from 12,000 to 50,000 thoughts per day. But how much energy is wasted on those thoughts: I need to remember to book an appointment for my procedure; I hope I don’t forget the bread at the store; I better leave myself a note about the time change; how many ounces are in a quart? Siri turns those thoughts into usable data, and frees you of the need for reminders about other reminders for upcoming events.

Our job as service providers is to figure out a way to seamlessly integrate our advertising goals into this streamlined mobile experience and dental and medical mobile website marketing as a whole.. Smartphone users are turning to Siri to simplify their lives. How can we use an ad, how can we use mobile marketing to simplify those users’ lives as they search for our products and services using Siri?

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