Mobile Traffic Continues Exponential Growth: An RM Case Study

Remember last week when we cited a few outside studies showcasing the consistent rise in mobile website traffic? Today, we’re going to take a look at the website of one of our own clients to further reiterate the importance of mobile website design and marketing for your practice. Check out some of the analytics below.
Q4 2013 Vs. Q4 2012
In the graph above, the blue line represents mobile traffic in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2013, and the orange line represents mobile traffic in the fourth quarter of 2012. As you can see, mobile traffic is higher in 2013 than in 2012 throughout the vast majority of the quarter, but the question begs, “Just how much higher?”
In Q4 of 2012, the practice’s website racked up 3,781 mobile visits, which accounted for 29.59% of total traffic to their site. In Q4 of 2013, mobile visits tallied 7,154, which accounted for 38.57% of total traffic. That’s a whopping 89.21% increase in mobile traffic from Q4 of 2012 to Q4 of 2013. Now, let’s take a look at the website’s rise in mobile traffic since 2011.
Q4 2013 Vs. Q4 2011
The graph above is basically the same as the previous chart, only the orange line in this one represents the fourth quarter of 2011. As you would expect (after seeing our first example), mobile traffic in Q4 of 2013 is much higher than mobile traffic in Q4 of 2011; however, it’s the actual difference that’s truly astounding.
In Q4 of 2011, the practice’s website garnered just 1,727 mobile visits, accounting for just 26.69% of their total traffic. Compare that once again to the 7,154 mobile visits accounting for 38.57% of total traffic in Q4 of 2013, and the change comes out to a massive 314.24% increase in mobile traffic between the two quarters.
This Year
This year, through three months and some change, the website has amassed a combined total of 24,500 visits from desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. As you can see above, mobile traffic is currently leading the way with 43.14% of total traffic, followed by 40.78% for desktop and 16.08% for tablets. Yes, that’s right, you’re reading it correctly: As of now, more patients are accessing the practice’s website via mobile devices than by desktop computers!
What Should You Do?
Clearly, patients are beginning to use mobile devices more and more often to access the Internet. With these mobile numbers continuing to trend upward, equipping your site with a mobile-friendly website design is a necessity. However, don’t be fooled or lured in by tricks for quick results. Only quality mobile designs and ethical marketing strategies can sustain long-term results with continued improvement.
To learn more about mobile website design and marketing, or if you are interested in speaking with a consultant here at Rosemont Media, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.