A Scary SEO Story for Halloween

Goblins and ghouls will roam the streets tonight, but what if the scariest trick is the one your SEO provider is playing on you?
When you first started your practice, you were new to the whole website thing, but excited to see how it could boost your business. After searching long and hard, you found a company that seemed like they’d be able to help you take your practice to the next level. They promised you a beautiful new website and told you they’d help you get it to the top of Google’s results right away.
Looking at the cost of SEO, you weren’t really sure what was best, but the SEO firm you ultimately chose assured you they could offer the same level of quality as other companies—for a lower price. You were ecstatic! Who doesn’t love getting a good deal?!
Over time, however, you started to realize that maybe what they say is true: “You get what you pay for.” The company you chose was able to show you good results at first, but those results went away over time. What happened? You started doing some research and realized the company was using black hat tactics to get quick and easy results… but they clearly didn’t have any sort of plan for maintaining your rankings.
Your website was visually appealing, but what originally seemed to be a custom-made design was actually a customizable template that required a recurring fee in order to use it.
You decided it was time to get out of this relationship, but realized they had locked you into a long-term contract. While you waited it out, your website slipped down further and further in search results.
As if being stuck with a nightmare SEO firm wasn’t bad enough, once you reached the end of your contract, you were met with another surprise: you discovered you wouldn’t be able to keep your website.
It’s official. You’re empty-handed and back to square one.
That’s the end of our scary story, but it doesn’t have to be! Rather than tricks, you can get treats from now on if you take your time to conduct thorough research and avoid questionable SEO companies.
Want to get rid of the spirits that are haunting your SEO? Who you gonna call? The ghost-bustin’ team at Rosemont Media can help! Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer.
Happy Halloween!