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SEO Terminology: What Is an Algorithm?

Simply put, algorithms are a series of instructions for completing a task. They’re used every day for a multitude of purposes, and you likely use them without even thinking about it. When you get dressed, tie your shoes, or drive to work each day, you perform a series of steps to arrive at an end goal. It’s essential to execute the steps in a specific order or the outcome won’t be right. 

Some might compare an algorithm to a recipe, but cooking recipes tend to have wiggle room for creativity and interpretation — not so with an algorithm. The program instructions need to be very clear with a focused terminating point to be effective. Another difference between algorithms and recipes? You can’t eat an algorithm — though some of them take the shape of cookies.

In the computer science sense, algorithms are used to solve problems like finding the largest number in a list or sorting items alphabetically. Similarly, search engines like Google use algorithms to determine the ideal order of websites to display in their results based on a series of specific criteria.

What Are SEO Algorithms?

When it comes to search engines and social media platforms, algorithms are used to provide the most beneficial answers to a person’s query. While companies like Google often keep the exact details of their algorithms secret, some hints are often given to guide website owners, and other information can often be deduced by how the results have changed.

Algorithms used in search engine optimization (SEO) are constantly changing to become more sophisticated. In fact, Google releases thousands of algorithm updates per year to refine its results, but most of these go unnoticed because of how insignificant they are. Every once in a while, though, there are major updates, including what Google calls “Core Updates” to its algorithm. Depending on your industry and how your website is set up, you may notice big changes in your site performance or none at all. 

Examples of Google Algorithms

Our SEO specialists keep a close eye on how search engines like Google evolve over time, ensuring your dental or medical website remains relevant and visible within your market. As algorithms are gradually updated, even with small changes to various ranking factors, we utilize this data to continuously optimize our clients’ websites. We often introduce and explain these updates here in our weekly Rosemont Review posts, as well, to keep you in the know.

Some of Google’s major algorithm updates over the years that had more of an impact on the medical and dental industries include: 

AI Overviews and SGE 

While all of Google’s algorithm updates are important, it’s definitely worth mentioning that one of the most recent updates is of particular significance. AI Overviews are part of what is known as the Search Generative Experience (SGE) in Google’s search engine. This represents one of the company’s huge steps into Artificial Intelligence technologies that are changing how search engines interpret and respond to queries. While it doesn’t happen with every search, every now and then you’ll see an “AI Overview” listing at the top of the results page that includes a summary with AI-generated content that answers direct questions, often listing resources (with links) to websites for which the AI extrapolated some of its information. 

Google’s AI Overviews appears to be its way of marrying its traditional search and listings format with the light-year advances in Artificial Intelligence that we have seen over the last couple of years. To be sure, Google Ad listings and organic search listings presented in the way we are accustomed are still very much what you see on the results page, and that should remain the case in the immediate future. Additionally, with AI Overviews and other algorithm updates (such as “E-E-A-T” and “Helpful Content”) it is more and more clear that keeping new, original, and relevant content flowing into websites on a regular basis is still the backbone of strong SEO strategies. 

Learn more about SGE and the future of search here.  

The above list of SEO algorithm updates is only a tiny fraction of what Google has released over the past decade-plus. Recent updates also include those targeting spam, various bugs, and other technical issues. Ultimately, the consistent maintenance and propensity for evolution and change from companies like Google are some of the reasons why it’s essential to not only create a great website for your practice, but regularly maintain it based on what’s most beneficial for readers and, therefore, search engines.

Stay on Top of Algorithm Updates with Rosemont Media

With the ever-changing nature of Google and other search engines’ algorithms, it can be difficult to know if your website is up to the current standards. And while some ranking changes are inevitable, it can help to have a dedicated digital marketing team on your side to enhance your success. Contact our team at Rosemont Media today to learn more!

Editor’s note: The original version of this post was published on March 14, 2017.

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