What Google’s Knowledge Graph Means for Doctors

Google is always updating the layout of its search results page to give the searcher better results. One of Google’s products dedicated to improving search experience it called the Knowledge Graph, you probably have seen it before. The Knowledge Graph is composed of a few elements that doctors should be aware of and use to help their practice’s image.
Knowledge Graph Biography
To the right of search results appears the Knowledge Graph Biography that is different for every search. When the search is for a doctor, a photo, map, contact information, and reviews appear. All that information comes from the G+ page. Google also includes “Write a Review” and “Follow” buttons that will open up the doctor’s G+ page. As we have said in previous posts, this is one of the reasons to fill out your business’ G+ profile.
Image Carousel
Google has recently introduced the Image Carousel into search results. This is the black bar of images at the top of search results. Currently, the Image Carousel is only appearing for local searches of businesses like restaurants and hotels. In the future Google will probably expand this to all businesses. For doctors, this means Google could be pulling photos from your G+ page. For this reason, it is wise to add photos your office or a tour from Google Business Photos to your G+ Local listing.
Knowledge Graph Will Continue to Change
Be aware Google is constantly tweaking the Knowledge Graph so it is best to stay on top of new developments and adapt as soon as possible. We are continually watching for changes, so if you have any questions be sure to call us.