You Had Me at SEO: A Love Letter

Dear SEO,
Not until now have I had the courage to tell you the truth: I’m madly in love with you.
Oh, SEO. My darling SEO. I’ve admired your ability to put medical and dental websites on the map for so long. You have no idea the way my heart pounds when you strategically place relevant keywords. I go wild with passion when you improve a site’s local and global presence. And I am absolutely overcome with affection when you boost a site’s traffic by skillfully navigating search engines.
You may not know much about me, but I can only hope I’m worthy of your returned feelings. They call me Content Marketing (“CM” for short). Although you and I have a lot of friends in common (I’m pretty sure you also hang out with Social Media Marketing), our jobs are very different; I produce informative website content, as well as blogs and press releases, to help medical and dental websites remain relevant and fresh.
I know we’re different, but we belong together, SEO. You complete me.
I dare to dream that if we work hand in hand, we can create a beautiful relationship (and a well-established digital presence). Together, we can optimize written content to directly target a medical professional’s desired audience. We can use long-tail keywords to find popular questions about elective procedures, and then answer them with reader-friendly verbiage. Oh, the endless possibilities.
Please consider running away with me, SEO. You make me want to be part of a better digital marketing strategy. Think of the wonderful life you and I will have together if we marry. (In fact, we can probably get a professional marketing firm to perform the ceremony.)
Virtually yours,
Content Marketing