5 Simple Ways to Reach Patients on Facebook
Last time on the Rosemont Review, we discussed the importance of developing a strategy to make Facebook work harder for your practice. At the most basic level, a successful social media campaign relies on participation. After all, unless you’re a fan of walking through the park muttering to yourself scaring the locals, valuable conversation requires at least two participants.
Today, we offer 5 simple ways to reach new patients on Facebook. To get started, answer the following questions:
- What is the first question a new patient tends to ask during the initial consultation?
- What is the first question you ask of new patients?
- Have you ever entered an online contest? Posted an online review? Purchased or downloaded a coupon? If so, list them. If not, do you recall an enticing coupon, ad, or offer?
- List the brands used in your office, home, and vehicle? For example, teeth whitening equipment, dermal fillers, or vision correction laser; mobile device and type of car; musician, hands-free device, or navigator.
- What distinguishes your practice from others in your industry and in your area?
Lead the Conversation on Facebook
Similar to the abstract artwork in your entry way or the sculpture on your front lawn, answering the questions above will give you a number of conversation starters. Social media in general and Facebook in particular, are all about developing the personal relationship that accompanies interesting conversation. As people turn to the internet for more information on aesthetic healthcare, providing that resourceful spark will attract users to your site and expertise.
To begin, think about how you might approach a perfect stranger at an industry function or seminar. Mimic this interaction using the answers to the questions above as inspiration. It seems easy, but for some reason we all waver slightly when “publishing” content on the web. Worry less about the seriousness of the moment and more about reaching out to engage your audience. Meaningful relationships tend to snowball when supported by social media.