Top 3 Myths About Social Media Marketing: Part 2

In our last blog entry, we debunked the common misconception that younger generations are the only ones utilizing social media networks. Today, we’re going to address a misconstrued notion pertaining to the efficacy of posting on social media networks.
Myth #2: Social media posts don’t help generate business.
While it’s true social media posts containing nothing but text will not generally drive business through the roof, adding a video, an image, or simply a link to your website within your social posts can often dramatically influence consumer action in a positive way. How so? In addition to helping your post stand out and catch the attention of viewers, these visual and/or interactive aids often promote consumer engagement, which can lead to social sharing and referrals.
Let’s say a patient of yours signs onto Facebook and begins scrolling down their newsfeed. In the midst of all the text-heavy status updates they monotonously sift through, their eye catches the image accompanying a teaser for a recent blog you authored on the benefits of a new treatment. Intrigued, the patient clicks on your post (which is, of course, linked to your recent blog entry) and begins reading.
Now, several things can happen from here, many of which are positive for your practice. Here are three examples:
- After reading the blog entry, the patient is interested in the treatment and calls to schedule a consultation.
- After reading the blog entry, the patient remains on your website to research various other treatments, procedures, and services your practice offers.
- The patient finds the blog entry interesting enough to share it with their friends via several social networking channels, which dramatically expands the visibility and reach of your message to populations you wouldn’t be able to reach on your own.
As you can see, all of these examples can drive business to your practice, and they all started with an effective social media post. Additionally, regardless of the viewer’s action in the end, you’ve succeeded in heightening awareness for your practice and your brand.
Still on the Fence about Social Media Marketing?
If you’re still not totally convinced about the advantages of implementing a social media marketing strategy for your medical or dental practice, stay tuned for our next blog post throughout which we’ll debunk our third and final social media myth.
If you are convinced, please feel free to contact Rosemont Media today.