Why You Need to Be Marketing to Mobile Facebook Users

In this day and age, everyone seems glued to their smartphone. People are becoming so dependent that some are considered “nomophobic” – in other words, they experience anxiety from being separated from their mobile phone. As a culture that is so reliant on its mobile devices, some individuals may wonder…what on earth could we be spending so much time doing on there?! One word: Facebook.
Over the past decade, mobile activity has skyrocketed. Among the estimated 3.1 million apps available on Android and iOS devices, Facebook takes the #1 spot for being most popular. The mobile app has reached 1.39 billion users as of September 30th, which is close to 90% of the service’s entire user database. If these statistics tell us anything, it’s that a lot of companies may need to rethink their social media marketing strategy.
Businesses that already allocate a portion of their budget to mobile marketing are at an advantage. Since most Facebook users are visiting the website on their smartphones, companies need to recognize the power of their presence on its mobile platform. By doing so, they are likely to generate more leads, increase traffic to their website, and build more brand awareness.
The best way for businesses to increase their monthly Facebook impressions is to embrace the mobile phenomenon and be strategic in where they spend their time marketing. As Facebook Mobile continues to evolve and become more user-friendly, the app is bound to attract many more users in the future, making mobile marketing more important than ever. While it is still important to target those utilizing the desktop version of Facebook, there is an increasing need for businesses to utilize mobile marketing to attract the desired audience.
Don’t Know How? Leave It to the Experts
Our team of specialists is dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest social media trends on platforms like Facebook to help you get the most out of your marketing budget. We have helped medical and dental practices implement effective strategies to reach the people in their area with proven results. If you’re ready to take your social media marketing to the next level, feel free to contact us to learn about our service options for your medical or dental practice.