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How to Get Real-Time Patient Feedback for Your Medical or Dental Practice

As our experiences continue to be published and proliferated online, patient feedback has never been more critical in establishing a strong reputation for your services and your business. Reputation management for doctors, dentists, and healthcare professionals in particular can be highly influential in swinging consumer choices to your favor (or detriment). According to 2022 trends published by Healthgrades®, 90 percent of people rely on online reviews to choose their next physician. What’s more, 77 percent of men and women read patient-written reviews as the first step in selecting a new doctor. 

These statistics underscore the importance of prioritizing patient feedback in order to gain credibility, stay engaged with the community, grow your patient base, and establish your position as a leading authority in your market. Online reputation management for doctors and dentists requires some strategy, but can be maximized with just a few key tools from our creative marketing team. 

Ways to Get Feedback

The value that patient-written reviews lend to the ultimate success of your practice is undebatable; however, the key to establishing a positive online reputation is often a matter of consistently accruing patient feedback. Motivating patients to write about their visit to your practice can be a challenge in itself — especially when a person’s experience was positive or satisfactory. Studies of human behavior suggest that individuals are much more likely to recount their negative experiences at a business than to publicly evaluate one that met their expectations. 

Incentivizing positive reviews for your business is never recommended, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t encourage patients to leave honest, helpful feedback by: 

There are many ways to hinder your online credibility — haphazard review generation without consideration of the unique strategies and nuances that are key to successful reputation management is one of them. With the right tools and a penchant for first-rate patient care, getting positive patient feedback can be a piece of cake. 

Work Smarter, Not Harder: Review Rake & Sprinkler

Getting real-time patient feedback while maximizing the effects of a positive review simply requires a few must-have creative marketing solutions. A reliable review generator does the work of collecting positive evaluations in a patient’s own words, but a Review Rake & Sprinkler is truly essential to exhibiting top-rated reviews where they really count. This feature has a number of built-in tools to streamline your online reviews, including the ability to: 

Eager to learn more? Call our team at Rosemont Media for additional digital marketing solutions to broaden your patient base and help grow your practice. 

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