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Richmond Plastic Surgeon Launches Website Redesign as Patient Resource

Dr. Neil J. Zemmel launches his newly redesigned specialty website that focuses on breast procedures to help educate patients about their options.

Richmond, VA – As part of his commitment to educating patients, Dr. Neil J. Zemmel, a plastic surgeon in Richmond, has announced the launch of his new practice website design. The online resource was built in collaboration with the medical marketing company Rosemont Media, with the purpose of informing visitors about the various breast procedures Dr. Zemmel performs at Richmond Aesthetic Surgery. By utilizing a responsive design, comprehensive content pages, and effective search engine optimization, Dr. Zemmel believes he can help more people understand what to expect from certain procedures and be better informed about their options.

As people visit the specialty breast surgery website, they can navigate through the organized layout to find a wealth of information about the topic for which they are interested. Whether they are using a tablet, smartphone, or desktop computer to access the site, visitors can view the extent of the content without having to scroll horizontally or zoom in or out. Due to its responsive formatting, the website automatically resizes to fit the dimensions of the Internet device in use.

Each page on the website was created with the purpose of informing visitors while emphasizing Dr. Zemmel’s focus of high quality patient care. Whether an individual is interested in breast augmentation, revisional surgery, reconstruction, or another option, Dr. Zemmel is pleased to offer an all-inclusive resource to help them throughout their research process.

The original content that comprises the specialty website has been created utilizing best medical SEO practices. As a result, individuals searching for details about certain breast procedures can more easily find Dr. Zemmel’s website.

About Neil J. Zemmel, MD

Dr. Zemmel is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, offering a wide range of procedures at his private practice. He earned his medical degree from the University of Virginia, and then completed a six-year residency program at the Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center in Richmond. Following his medical training, Dr. Zemmel joined the university’s faculty, teaching residents and conducting research. Today, he continues to lecture on various plastic surgery topics and performs research on such areas as breast reconstruction and cosmetic breast and body procedures. Dr. Zemmel is available for interview upon request.

For more information about Dr. Zemmel and Richmond Aesthetic Surgery, visit and

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