What Our Partnership with ASAPS Means to Us

With The Aesthetic Meeting 2014 on the horizon, we wanted to provide a little background information about our Alliance Partnership with the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS).
What Is an ASAPS Alliance Partnership?
The “Partnership Program” was created by ASAPS to help forge relationships between the renowned plastic surgery society and corporate sponsors in the healthcare industry. According to the society’s website, “[ASAPS and corporate sponsors] each benefit by working together to better serve, and communicate regarding aesthetic plastic surgery, its practitioners, and patients.”
What Our Partnership Enables Us to Do
As a dedicated leader of continuing education for plastic surgeons, ASAPS is one of, if not the most prestigious and influential aesthetic surgery organizations in the world. Not only does our Alliance Partnership with ASAPS enable us to support the society’s ongoing educational initiatives, but it puts us in a position to better keep plastic surgeons at the forefront of online marketing – both of which ultimately benefit the patient.
“One of our biggest goals is to help plastic surgeons provide and maintain a valuable educational resource readily available to patients in their respective online marketplaces,” says our CEO, Keith Humes. “While leaving the latest aesthetic surgery techniques and procedures to be performed by our surgeons, we focus instead on helping our clients implement innovative marketing tools and customized Internet strategies proven to grow online visibility and strengthen online reputation.
“Whether we’re equipping their site with a new mobile or responsive design, or we’re helping them promote a new technology or treatment available at their practice, we intend to mirror and convey our clients’ dedication to exceptional, quality care.”
Stay Tuned
If you’re planning to attend The Aesthetic Meeting 2014, be sure to stay tuned for our upcoming post regarding where you can find us, as well as what we’ll focusing on for “Business Day” on Tuesday, April 29th of the event.