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How Can I Rebrand My Dental Practice?

A dentist’s “brand” is reflected in visual representations of their practice’s philosophy, identity, and core values. When brand identity is developed effectively, these elements are skillfully conveyed in everything from your logo, taglines, social media presence, and web design to your color scheme, font, tone, and even word choice. Logo design and branding services are invaluable tools to distinguish your dental office from competitors and communicate your practice’s values before a patient even steps inside of your office. 

Reinventing or refreshing your brand are powerful strategies to recalibrate your dental marketing efforts, but the two aren’t synonymous — a brand refresh simply involves updating elements of your current brand to convey a change in direction, while a complete rebrand typically requires a comprehensive redesign of your brand identity. Knowing the right direction for your practice’s needs can be tricky, but Rosemont Media can delve into the core of your practice to assess future goals and help determine a path forward. 

Reasons to Consider Shifting Your Brand

Whether you’re considering a modernization of your current brand or opting for a complete brand overhaul, you should have clear motivations behind your decision to reinvent or update your brand identity beyond aesthetic appeal. Common reasons for a brand refresh/rebrand often include: 

Shifting your brand in any capacity usually requires notable investment into the design, logos, site build, and marketing materials necessary to make execution of your vision a success. When deciding whether the benefits of a practice rebrand outweigh the total costs, it’s essential to weigh the effectiveness of your current brand strategy — if analytics reveal your marketing efforts aren’t yielding your desired results, or if they’re falling flat with your patient base, evolving your brand may be a solution. 

New Practice: Starting From the Ground Up

Perhaps you don’t have a brand crafted yet, or you have some elements of a brand design but aren’t sure how to bring it to life. For a new practice still cultivating their digital presence, a solid and consistent brand identity is crucial to distinguishing yourself from similar services. Ideally, your brand should not only be physically apparent at your practice, but also reflected in your site design, marketing materials (e-blasts, print ads, etc.), and social media. As a new practice, it’s important for your branding to be stable across all channels while you’re working to build patient trust, thereby reinforcing credibility and authority in your market. 

Change in Vision: Modernizing Brand Identity

While a strong, consistent brand communicates reliability, this doesn’t mean you have to be locked into the trappings of the same brand identity forever. Revamping your brand can be a great way to stay competitive in the face of modern trends, communicate a new era for your practice, or market a new set of services you aren’t currently offering. This strategy can also be ideal for highlighting a new dentist/partner at your practice — embracing the innovation of new leadership without sacrificing all of the elements of your existing brand. 

Tactful Transition: Complete Brand Overhaul

A total rebrand of your dental practice may be warranted if a new dentist is taking over your practice, a new partnership is being introduced, or your current brand no longer reflects the heart of your business. Revising brand identity often involves the unique task of communicating your new vision while reassuring your patient base of the same care and expertise they’ve come to expect. Although changing brands is inherently risky, the transition can be very rewarding if your practice philosophy has changed, or if your existing design/brand feels too out-of-touch or antiquated for a brand update.   

Get Started

Feel ready to update, refresh, or reinvent your brand identity? Bring the soul of your practice to fruition by working with our creative strategists on a range of custom website design and branding services. Contact Rosemont Media today to discuss your goals and find out what’s possible for the ultimate growth of your practice.  

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