Former AACD president and established Elgin cosmetic dentist, Dean Lodding, DDS, has been a longtime collaborator with Rosemont Media. So, when Dr. Lodding decided to refresh his practice website, he partnered with our experienced team of dental website design specialists to create a truly one-of-a-kind digital home.
The main goals that were expressed for improving the Smile for Life Dental website included a more modern, airy color palette that reflected the colors of Smile For Life Dental’s recently-updated office, a simplified navigation menu, and back-end improvements to enhance site loading speed. Some of Dr. Lodding’s celebrity clients, Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg, also provided helpful videos and images showcasing their own red carpet-worthy smiles, which the web design wizards at Rosemont Media turned into a stunning homepage feature.
Modernizing the site’s functionality was important, and by designing a logical breakdown of tabs with expanding menus, the site became more user-friendly. Developing a responsive website design was also a priority in order to make it accessible across numerous platforms, including tablets, mobile phones, laptops, and desktops. The custom website includes detailed treatment information, along with a frequently updated blog, and patient video testimonials.
The “In The Media” page portrays newsworthy recognitions and showcases Jenny McCarthy’s informative videos about the office. Additionally, Dr. Lodding’s website has implemented advanced dental SEO strategies to improve website visibility on search engines. Experience the detail and unparalleled service that Rosemont Media offers by visiting